ENCOMAT S.A. is a company founded in 1994 and dedicated to the design, manufacture and maintenance of auxiliary lift systems for construction, based on the rack and pinion system.

The wide product range offers a full line of lifts, hoists and mast climber work platforms designed for the safe transport of people and material.

These machines represent a significant advance in safety in heights works, as well as increasing cost savings.

All of them have a tractor driven by rack and pinion mast, that it makes quick and easy assembly and disassembly without the aid of external means, and providing a great versatility and autonomy. They are easy to use systems capable of replacing the traditional crane and scaffolding facade.

ENCOMAT S.A. in numbers:

  • Facilities: 20.000 m2
  • Manufactured hoists since the beginning: 3.000 units (sold in over 20 countries)
  • Hoists rental fleet: 650 units
  • Hoist in service in 8 countries:
    • Spain
    • France
    • Portugal
    • Morocco
    • Chile
    • Turkey
    • Israel
    • United States

We design our products with the aim of achieving resistant machines to the intensive works at the jobsite in order to prevent damages and reducing maintenance costs.
Therefore, we can ensure a high quality service based on the reliability of our machines.
We are willing to help our customers achieve the best results in their projects with the help of our products and services.

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