Product Advantages ENCOMAT S.A.

Mástil :: Andamio de Cremallera Sistema de engranajes :: Andamio de Cremallera Doble accionamiento :: Andamio de Cremallera Rodillos de guiado mecánico :: Andamio de Cremallera
Heavy duty mast, with square tube and rectangular section. Compatible with all products ENCOMAT
Gear system that prevents eccentric loads in the motor Double gear for each motor, with a total of 4 pinion / rack contacts Metal rollers with flat contact surface, which ensures durability and reliability


Rodillos guiados :: Andamio de Cremallera Rodillos en tandem :: Andamio de Cremallera Plataformas :: Andamio de Cremallera
18 guide rollers on the mast, with 4 rolls in each tube of the mast, 2 on each outer side 2 Tandem rolls for surpassing running smoothness
Skid metal platform, independent of the lattice support, which provides greater durability and ease of assembly

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